Greedy Date Shift

The Start 1

There were lots of red flags off the starting line.

I had two suspected chemical pregnancy and went to the doctors for a general women’s health check and ended up finding out I was pregnant, at only two weeks pregnant.

At 7 weeks I had signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, cramping painful enough to bring me to tears.

The ultrasound showed a good implanted egg with a small blood clot next to it, this resolved itself in a week or two.

It went okay for a few weeks, I had lots of classic pregnancy symptoms and bad nausea but all manageable.

At the 12 weeks scan I was tracking good growth and the technician shifted my due date ahead by 8 days, lately this has been playing on my mind. I pushed for this changed, being greedy, knowing I was high risk and I wonder would things have unfolded differently if we didn’t shift my dates…

